Dr Ray
Business Basics

Business Vocabulary Sentences

Business Vocabulary Sentences

  1. If you don’t honor the contract, we will sue you in court.

  2. What is the expected delivery date for shipment no. 324?

  3. You’ll find that information in our company database.

  4. The software on this computer is up to date, but the hardware is too old and can’t support it.

  5. Items going out of a country are called exports.

  6. The graph indicates that sales have fallen steadily over the last three months

  7. Our facilities are too small to handle our production demands. We’ll need to build more buildings and order more machinery.

  8. This product is defective. It was broken when we opened the package. We’d like to return it.

  9. Sorry we were late. Our plane was delayed because of a snowstorm in Chicago.

  10. Another word for a factory supervisor is called a foreman.

  11. We don’t have enough funding to start such an expensive project.

  12. If we want to expand our company, we’ll need to raise more capital.

  13. The cargo is too much for a single truck. We’ll need at least two trucks.

  14. Items coming into a country are called imports.

  15. I want to speak to the person who is in charge of the accounting section.


  1. Adding another product to our product line just won’t fit into our current budget.

  2. Please take a look at our product brochure. It will explain how you can use our product and save money too.

  3. Before we make an appointment, I need to check my schedule.

  4. We must cut down on our paper usage. We are spending too much on paper.

  5. The instructions have a diagram that will show you how to fit all the components together.

  6. Mr. Jones will resign from his current position. They’ll have to hire someone else to replace him.

  7. Our product is seasonal. Most of our sales take place around Christmas time.

  8. We must fund our research and development department. New and improved products are the life-blood of company survival.

  9. There is a high demand for our newest product. Everyone seems to want one.

  10. Tomorrow we’ll fly to New York for a seminar on learning how to handle customer complaints.

  11. This recent bad news could hurt our company’s reputation.

  12. Our working hours are daily from 8am to 6pm.

  13. Mr. Jones is the founder of our company. He opened it in 1946.

  14. I’ll be on paid leave for next week. I’m allowed to travel and do some research and I still get my salary.

  15. There has been a decrease in the sales figure this month. Our sales are down again.


  1. If we don’t upgrade our product soon, with no improvements, the competition will eat us alive.

  2. Stiff competition from our competitors has caused a sharp decline in sales recently.

  3. A person who owns corporate stock is called a stockholder or shareholder.

  4. If you want a job at a restaurant or convenient store, you need to know how to work a cash register.

  5. The financial advisor told us not to invest in real estate at this time.

  6. Please, put these files in that filing cabinet over there.

  7. The recent sales figures show that our company’s sales are up.

  8. This product has significant problems. If we don’t improve it, it will never sell.

  9. Mark has an accounting certificate from the state government. He is a certified accountant.

  10. Please send this office memo to the customer support service.

  11. The shortage of corn across the world has driven up corn prices.

  12. Our distribution center is responsible for delivering the products to our retail centers.

  13. We transport our products across the country mostly by freight trucks.

  14. The sharp decline in our products popularity is due to the stiff competition from other companies.

  15. Teenagers are our target market. We are going after the young crowd who spends freely.


  1. All the money you make before deducting any costs or expenses is called gross profit.

  2. An attorney is a type of lawyer.

  3. Gross profit minus expenses is your net income.

  4. If you buy stock, you are really buying a piece of company ownership.

  5. Mary’s occupation is a nurse. She loves her job.

  6. Negotiations have reached a deadlock. Neither side wants to compromise any further.

  7. Our administrative staff are just as important as our factory workers.

  8. Our sales figures fluctuate too much from month to month. We need more stable sales.

  9. Please write your signature on the bottom line of this application form.

  10. The products that we make and sell are called goods.

  11. This is not an efficient factory line. The workers waste too much time waiting for the machines to be cleaned.

  12. To offer advice or give help to others in some way is called a service .

  13. We can’t sell these products until next June, so we need to put them in storage.

  14. You pay house or apartment rent to your landlord.

  15. Your net income is your gross profit minus expenses.


  1. I need you to circulate this memo to all the departments today.

  2. To get your salary, you need to open a bank account with our company's bank.

  3. We need to solve this issue. Problems like this can destroy the company.

  4. Our marketing division is one of the best sections of our company.

  5. The clerk sits at his desk and does data input.

  6. The kinds of stores we find at malls are called retail stores.

  7. The words captain and chief usually refer to the important leader in a division.

  8. The chairman is often the CEO or President of the company. He is head of the board.

  9. We need to encourage our people to have new ideas and innovation if we expect to keep growing.

  10. Many desk jobs have the title of clerk.

  11. If we don't solve this problem quickly, it could become a big issue in the future.

  12. If we want to generate more revenue, we need to add a new product line to bring in more money.

  13. The consumers are all the people who spend money shopping everywhere.

  14. According to the statistics, our customers are 40% female and 60% male.

  15. Customer satisfaction is down. We need to do a survey to find out what's wrong.


  1. Our assembly line has been moving to slow lately. Tell everyone to work faster.

  2. The information you gave me is not relevant to this case. It is not related to the issue at hand.

  3. We tried to negotiate a good deal, but the other company just won't compromise.

  4. Without advertising, nobody will know our brand.

  5. Our company is the sponsor of the 10k youth race. We support it every year.

  6. The number of factories we have is not sufficient for expanding our product lines.

  7. If we don't buy insurance and then we have a fire, we will lose everything. We need the protection.

  8. We keep all our extra goods in the warehouse. When we need more, we call to have it shipped to us.

  9. This credit card is not valid. It expired three months ago.

  10. The company couldn't compete in this industry, so it failed. It was bankrupt.

  11. The company's productivity has fallen. Our factories made more items last year than this year.

  12. We need more office supplies. We need paper, staplers, pens, erasers, and folders.

  13. You need to call the accounting department to get our annual financial reports.

  14. If we have a good year, everyone will get bonus pay. So work hard for the extra money.

  15. Every business meeting should have an agenda. A kind of schedule or plan for the topics of discussion.


  1. Our company president was arrested for drunk driving. This kind of publicity is terrible for our company reputation.

  2. We need to promote our product with more advertising campaigns and events.

  3. Our number one priority is customer satisfaction.

  4. Our policy for refunds is that you must have a receipt if you want cash back or to exchange.

  5. If we want higher quality results, we should recruit higher skilled employees. Don't just sit and wait for them to come to us.

  6. You need to go to payroll and ask them why they deducted too much insurance premium from your pay.

  7. The marketing department submitted a proposal for expanding our product line.

  8. No other company has our kind of products. So for now, we have a market monopoly. We are the only ones who sell these products.

  9. Our company should put long-term success before short-term profits.

  10. Our company policy is to immediately fire any person who uses alcohol or does drugs during working hours.

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