Dr Ray
CCC course

Culture Definitions Excecise

For the exercises below, select the words to complete the sentences.
    1 : The food that people eat, and how they eat it.

    2 : The clothes that people wear, and how they dress.

    3 : The language that people speak, and how they use it.

    4 : The religion that people follow, and their beliefs.

    5 : The way that families are structured, and how they interact.

    6 : The holidays, festivals, and special events that people celebrate.

    7 : The music, dance, literature, and other art forms that people create.

    8 : The things that people believe are important, such as honesty, respect, hard work, responsibility, family and community. On the other side might be things like money, materialism, power, loyalty, compliance of subordinates, and dominance of authority.

Answer    Food: The food that people eat, and how they eat it.

    Clothing: The clothes that people wear, and how they dress.

    Language: The language that people speak, and how they use it.

    Religion: The religion that people follow, and their beliefs.

    Family: The way that families are structured, and how they interact.

    Celebrations: The holidays, festivals, and special events that people celebrate.

    Art: The music, dance, literature, and other art forms that people create.

    Values: The things that people believe are important, such as honesty, respect, hard work, responsibility, family and community. On the other side might be things like money, materialism, power, loyalty, compliance of subordinates, and dominance of authority.

    Food: The food that people eat, and how they eat it.

    Clothing: The clothes that people 1 , and how they dress.

    Language: The language that people 2 , and how they use it.

    Religion: The religion that people 3 , and their beliefs.

    Family: The way that families are 4 , and how they 5 .

    Celebrations: The holidays, 6 , and 7 that people celebrate.

    Art: The music, dance, literature, and other 8 that people 9 .

    Values: The things that people believe are important, such as honesty, respect, hard work, responsibility, family and community. On the other side might be things like money, materialism, power, loyalty, compliance of subordinates, and dominance of authority.

Answer    Food: The food that people eat, and how they eat it.

    Clothing: The clothes that people wear, and how they dress.

    Language: The language that people speak, and how they use it.

    Religion: The religion that people follow, and their beliefs.

    Family: The way that families are structured, and how they interact.

    Celebrations: The holidays, festivals, and special events that people celebrate.

    Art: The music, dance, literature, and other art forms that people create.

    Values: The things that people believe are important, such as honesty, respect, hard work, responsibility, family and community. On the other side might be things like money, materialism, power, loyalty, compliance of subordinates, and dominance of authority.

    Values: The things that people believe are important, such as 1 , respect, 2 , responsibility, family and 3 . On the other side might be things like money, 4 , power, loyalty, 5 of subordinates, and 6 of authority.
Answer    Values: The things that people believe are important, such as honesty, respect, hard work, responsibility, family and community. On the other side might be things like money, materialism, power, loyalty, compliance of subordinates, and dominance of authority.

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