Music for English
From Raindrops to Diamonds
[My favorite things, 7 rings]
Getting Started
an ImageLife's circumstances changes what we value.

In 2019, Ariana Grande’s song “7 Rings” hit the Billboard 100 pop chart. It stayed on the chart for 33 weeks and held at No. 1 for eight weeks. It was immediately recognized that the melody of the song was based on another song from 1965 called “My favorite things.” The lyrics, however, are a stark contrast to the original song, and offers us a good look at how much culture can change in just under 55 years.
“My favorite things” is a song from the movie “Sound of Music”. The movie was set in the times of World War II.  In the movie, the song was sung by the actress Julie Andrews, whose character, Maria, was attempting to calm the children during a thunderstorm. Maria suggests to the children that whenever they are frightened, they should simply think of their favorite things. The song lists things like “raindrops on roses”, kittens, ponies, and favorite foods. There was a strong stress on nature, such as winters changing to spring and geese flying by moonlight. The simple things in life give Maria happiness.
Ariana Grande’s song, however, focuses on her passion for wealth and material things such as eating at expensive restaurants, drinking champagne, wearing expensive jewelry, and buying diamond rings for her friends. She is addicted to shopping, which she says is her therapy for when she feels bad.  She also says she would rather be on the phone than in a serious relationship. She claims that money can buy happiness.
Their contrasting viewpoints show how the concept of "favorite things" evolves with individual circumstance and cultural values. Maria comes from a time when even the rich could lose everything because of war, so the focus is turned to things that money can’t buy and others can’t take away. While Ariana come’s from a generation who hasn’t seen hard economic times nor lived through devastating wars.
The real-life Maria, whom the movie was based on, had to flee her own country, and the army took over her mansion; proving that riches, in her time, were fleeting. A long time of peace and economic stability, however, affects the new generation differently. Ariana’s generation doesn’t live under the fear that they could lose everything tomorrow. This is a generation of peace and prosperity, where money flows easily in all directions. People find happiness on cell phones, with friends, and buying lots of things.
Comprehension Questions
  1. How many weeks was "7 Rings" on the Billboard 100 chart?
  2. How many weeks did it hold at number one?
  3. What two words might you use to describe the difference between the lyrics of the two songs?
  4. Why did Maria sing "My favorite thing" to the children?
  5. Name some of Maria's favorite things from the song.
  6. What does Ariana Grande's song focus on?
  7. What are some of Ariana's favorite things?
  8. What is Ariana's addiction?
  9. What kind of world did Maria live in?
  10. What kind of world does Ariana live in?
  1. Spend more time discussing the differences between the 2 songs. Give special attention to the last two paragraphs.
  2. Talk about the differences between the worlds you, your parents, and your grandparents lived in.