1200 News Vocabulary (alphabetically sorted)
News Vocabulary (alphabetically sorted)
1200 words 
  1. abruptly.
  2. accordingly.
  3. aftermath.
  4. alternative.
  5. analysis.
  6. apparently.
  7. appreciate.
  8. approximately.
  9. arrangement.
  10. assessment.
  11. assign.
  12. association.
  13. assortment.
  14. attain.
  15. attribute.
  16. authorize.
  17. awareness.
  18. background.
  19. barely.
  20. basically.
  21. basis.
  22. benefit.
  23. broaden.
  24. capacity.
  25. categorize.
  26. characteristic.
  27. circumstances.
  28. coincidence.
  29. collaborate.
  30. combine.
  31. commentary.
  32. commitment.
  33. communicate.
  34. comparison.
  35. compensate.
  36. compile.
  37. comply.
  38. component.
  39. comprehension.
  40. comprise.
  41. conceptualize.
  42. concern.
  43. conclude.
  44. concrete.
  45. conditionality.
  46. conduct.
  47. confront.
  48. consequence.
  49. consequently.
  50. conservative.
  51. consider.
  52. consolidate.
  53. constitute.
  54. constrain.
  55. construct.
  56. consume.
  57. contemplate.
  58. contemporary.
  59. contribute.
  60. control.
  61. coordinate.
  62. correspond.
  63. cost-effective.
  64. coverage.
  65. credibility.
  66. criteria.
  67. critique.
  68. crucial.
  69. current.
  70. currently.
  71. debate.
  72. decline.
  73. despite.
  74. deteriorate.
  75. determine.
  76. develop.
  77. deviate.
  78. diagnose.
  79. differentiate.
  80. dilemma.
  81. direct.
  82. disclose.
  83. distinguish.
  84. document.
  85. dominate.
  86. drastically.
  87. dynamic.
  88. effective.
  89. effectively.
  90. efficient.
  91. elaborate.
  92. eliminate.
  93. emphasize.
  94. enable.
  95. encompass.
  96. encourage.
  97. endorse.
  98. enhance.
  99. enormous.
  100. ensure.
  101. enterprise.
  102. enthusiastic.
  103. environment.
  104. envisage.
  105. essentially.
  106. evaluate.
  107. eventually.
  108. evidence.
  109. evident.
  110. evolution.
  111. evolve.
  112. examination.
  113. examine.
  114. exceed.
  115. exceptional.
  116. exclude.
  117. exclusive.
  118. exercise.
  119. exhibit.
  120. expand.
  121. expansion.
  122. expenditure.
  123. explicit.
  124. exploit.
  125. express.
  126. extend.
  127. extensive.
  128. external.
  129. extrapolate.
  130. extreme.
  131. facilitate.
  132. facility.
  133. feasible.
  134. feature.
  135. flexible.
  136. focus.
  137. formulate.
  138. foundation.
  139. framework.
  140. function.
  141. fund.
  142. fundamental.
  143. fundamentally.
  144. generate.
  145. genuine.
  146. grant.
  147. hence.
  148. hierarchy.
  149. highlight.
  150. hold.
  151. however.
  152. hypothesis.
  153. identify.
  154. implement.
  155. implication.
  156. impose.
  157. improve.
  158. incorporate.
  159. increase.
  160. indicate.
  161. individual.
  162. induce.
  163. inevitably.
  164. influence.
  165. inform.
  166. infrastructure.
  167. initiate.
  168. innovation.
  169. institute.
  170. integrate.
  171. intense.
  172. interact.
  173. interpretation.
  174. investigate.
  175. involve.
  176. justify.
  177. latest.
  178. lead.
  179. level.
  180. leverage.
  181. limit.
  182. limitation.
  183. maintain.
  184. manage.
  185. mechanism.
  186. membership.
  187. methodology.
  188. minimize.
  189. moderate.
  190. modify.
  191. monitor.
  192. moreover.
  193. motive.
  194. multiply.
  195. nationwide.
  196. negotiate.
  197. network.
  198. neutralize.
  199. nevertheless.
  200. nonetheless.
  201. noticeable.
  202. objective.
  203. observe.
  204. obtain.
  205. obviously.
  206. ongoing.
  207. operate.
  208. optimize.
  209. outperform.
  210. outstanding.
  211. overall.
  212. participate.
  213. particular.
  214. particularly.
  215. partnership.
  216. perceive.
  217. performance.
  218. phenomenon.
  219. precisely.
  220. prioritize.
  221. priority.
  222. promote.
  223. propose.
  224. prospect.
  225. protect.
  226. provide.
  227. public.
  228. publish.
  229. refer.
  230. reflect.
  231. regardless.
  232. reinforce.
  233. reject.
  234. relate.
  235. relationship.
  236. relevant.
  237. reliability.
  238. rely.
  239. remain.
  240. remarkable.
  241. represent.
  242. require.
  243. requirement.
  244. research.
  245. resource.
  246. respond.
  247. retain.
  248. reveal.
  249. revolutionize.
  250. role.
  251. scenario.
  252. secure.
  253. segment.
  254. select.
  255. share.
  256. shift.
  257. significantly.
  258. similar.
  259. similarly.
  260. simplify.
  261. simulate.
  262. simultaneously.
  263. solve.
  264. sophisticated.
  265. specific.
  266. specify.
  267. spectrum.
  268. stabilize.
  269. stakeholder.
  270. standardize.
  271. state.
  272. state-of-the-art.
  273. strategic.
  274. strategically.
  275. strengthen.
  276. strictly.
  277. substantially.
  278. sufficient.
  279. support.
  280. surpass.
  281. system.
  282. technique.
  283. technology.
  284. thereby.
  285. threshold.
  286. thus.
  287. utilize.
  288. validate.
  289. various.
  290. vital.
  291. widespread.
  292. abandoned.
  293. abuse.
  294. access.
  295. accompanied.
  296. accurate.
  297. achieve.
  298. acknowledged.
  299. acquired.
  300. adequate.
  301. adjusted.
  302. affected.
  303. agenda.
  304. aggressive.
  305. aid.
  306. airline.
  307. airport.
  308. alarm.
  309. alcohol.
  310. allegations.
  311. alliance.
  312. allies.
  313. alongside.
  314. amazing.
  315. amid.
  316. analysts.
  317. announced.
  318. annual.
  319. anticipated.
  320. apartment.
  321. appeal.
  322. approach.
  323. appropriate.
  324. area.
  325. aspects.
  326. assembly.
  327. asserts.
  328. assets.
  329. assistant.
  330. assume.
  331. assured.
  332. athletic.
  333. attached.
  334. attitude.
  335. attorney.
  336. authority.
  337. available.
  338. awaited.
  339. award.
  340. aware.
  341. bail.
  342. ban.
  343. on behalf.
  344. benefits.
  345. bet.
  346. bid.
  347. bomb.
  348. bond.
  349. bonus.
  350. boost.
  351. bounce.
  352. brand.
  353. breach.
  354. brief.
  355. broker.
  356. budget.
  357. bullet.
  358. burden.
  359. bureau.
  360. cabinet.
  361. campaign.
  362. cancer.
  363. candidate.
  364. capable.
  365. captured.
  366. career.
  367. cast.
  368. casualties.
  369. category.
  370. celebrated.
  371. challenge.
  372. champion.
  373. chaos.
  374. chase.
  375. chip.
  376. circuit.
  377. cited.
  378. clash.
  379. classic.
  380. climate.
  381. clinical.
  382. collapse.
  383. colleagues.
  384. column.
  385. combat.
  386. commission.
  387. committee.
  388. committed.
  389. communications.
  390. community.
  391. compensation.
  392. complex.
  393. compound.
  394. computer.
  395. conceded.
  396. concentrate.
  397. concert.
  398. condemned.
  399. conducted.
  400. conference.
  401. confirmed.
  402. conflict.
  403. confrontation.
  404. congress.
  405. consecutive.
  406. consent.
  407. consequences.
  408. considerable.
  409. consistent.
  410. construction.
  411. consultant.
  412. consumers.
  413. contact.
  414. contend.
  415. contest.
  416. contract.
  417. contrast.
  418. contributed.
  419. controversy.
  420. convention.
  421. converted.
  422. convicted.
  423. convinced.
  424. cooperation.
  425. cope.
  426. corporate.
  427. counter.
  428. counterparts.
  429. county.
  430. couple.
  431. create.
  432. credit.
  433. crew.
  434. crisis.
  435. criticized.
  436. criticism.
  437. culture.
  438. curb.
  439. deadline.
  440. debut.
  441. declined.
  442. defendants.
  443. deficit.
  444. definitely.
  445. definition.
  446. deliberately.
  447. demonstrations.
  448. denied.
  449. departure.
  450. depressed.
  451. deputy.
  452. designed.
  453. desperate.
  454. detention.
  455. disabled.
  456. disaster.
  457. discount.
  458. discrimination.
  459. display.
  460. dispute.
  461. distinctive.
  462. distribution.
  463. domestic.
  464. dominated.
  465. donations.
  466. draft.
  467. dramatic.
  468. drug.
  469. echoed.
  470. editor.
  471. element.
  472. email.
  473. embarrassed.
  474. embrace.
  475. emerged.
  476. emotional.
  477. emphasis.
  478. endorsed.
  479. energy.
  480. enforcement.
  481. enrichment.
  482. enrolled.
  483. entitled.
  484. equipment.
  485. era.
  486. errors.
  487. erupted.
  488. established.
  489. estimated.
  490. executed.
  491. executive.
  492. experts.
  493. exports.
  494. exposed.
  495. extract.
  496. facilities.
  497. factor.
  498. federal.
  499. federation.
  500. feeding.
  501. financial.
  502. fines.
  503. fled.
  504. flu.
  505. forecast.
  506. founder.
  507. franchise.
  508. frustrated.
  509. fuel.
  510. generation.
  511. giant.
  512. global.
  513. goal.
  514. golf.
  515. goods.
  516. guarantee.
  517. guidelines.
  518. guys.
  519. halt.
  520. haul.
  521. headlines.
  522. headquarters.
  523. huge.
  524. identified.
  525. ignore.
  526. image.
  527. immigration.
  528. impact.
  529. implications.
  530. import.
  531. imposed.
  532. impression.
  533. incident.
  534. income.
  535. incorporated.
  536. indicated.
  537. inevitable.
  538. infection.
  539. inflation.
  540. initial.
  541. initiative.
  542. injury.
  543. insisted.
  544. inspector.
  545. inspired.
  546. installed.
  547. instance.
  548. intelligence.
  549. interim.
  550. internal.
  551. internet.
  552. interview.
  553. investigation.
  554. investment.
  555. involved.
  556. isolated.
  557. issue.
  558. items.
  559. journal.
  560. journalists.
  561. jury.
  562. keen.
  563. label.
  564. labor.
  565. launched.
  566. league.
  567. leaking.
  568. legal.
  569. license.
  570. lobby.
  571. location.
  572. magazine.
  573. maintaining.
  574. major.
  575. margin.
  576. massive.
  577. maximum.
  578. media.
  579. medical.
  580. mental.
  581. military.
  582. minimum.
  583. ministry.
  584. minor.
  585. mirror.
  586. mission.
  587. mobile.
  588. monitors.
  589. mood.
  590. motivated.
  591. mount.
  592. mutual.
  593. negative.
  594. negotiations.
  595. nomination.
  596. obligations.
  597. obstacle.
  598. occupation.
  599. occupied.
  600. occurred.
  601. opponent.
  602. optimistic.
  603. outcome.
  604. overnight.
  605. pace.
  606. panel.
  607. panic.
  608. participation.
  609. partner.
  610. passion.
  611. patients.
  612. peak.
  613. penalty.
  614. pension.
  615. percent.
  616. period.
  617. personality.
  618. personnel.
  619. physical.
  620. pledged.
  621. plunged.
  622. policy.
  623. polls.
  624. port.
  625. posed.
  626. positive.
  627. potential.
  628. predicted.
  629. premier.
  630. previous.
  631. primary.
  632. prime.
  633. prince.
  634. principal.
  635. principle.
  636. proceedings.
  637. process.
  638. professional.
  639. profile.
  640. project.
  641. prominent.
  642. prosecution.
  643. prospects.
  644. protests.
  645. province.
  646. provoke.
  647. publisher.
  648. purchase.
  649. pursue.
  650. raid.
  651. rally.
  652. range.
  653. reaction.
  654. recalled.
  655. recovery.
  656. recruiting.
  657. regain.
  658. regime.
  659. region.
  660. register.
  661. regulation.
  662. rejected.
  663. release.
  664. reluctant.
  665. relying.
  666. remote.
  667. removed.
  668. required.
  669. residents.
  670. resolve.
  671. resort.
  672. response.
  673. restrictions.
  674. resume.
  675. revealed.
  676. revenue.
  677. reverse.
  678. revised.
  679. revolution.
  680. riot.
  681. route.
  682. routine.
  683. rumors.
  684. sanctions.
  685. scandal.
  686. security.
  687. session.
  688. significant.
  689. site.
  690. slim.
  691. slumped.
  692. soared.
  693. sole.
  694. source.
  695. sparked.
  696. speculation.
  697. sponsored.
  698. stability.
  699. stake.
  700. statistics.
  701. status.
  702. strain.
  703. strategy.
  704. structure.
  705. stunned.
  706. suburb.
  707. successor.
  708. super.
  709. supreme.
  710. surge.
  711. surgery.
  712. survive.
  713. suspended.
  714. sustained.
  715. switch.
  716. symbol.
  717. tackle.
  718. tactics.
  719. target.
  720. task.
  721. team.
  722. technical.
  723. teenagers.
  724. tensions.
  725. territory.
  726. terrorist.
  727. testified.
  728. testimony.
  729. toll.
  730. traditional.
  731. traffic.
  732. transfer.
  733. transformed.
  734. transmission.
  735. transport.
  736. trend.
  737. tribunal.
  738. ultimately.
  739. undermine.
  740. unique.
  741. urgent.
  742. utility.
  743. variable.
  744. vast.
  745. venture.
  746. verdict.
  747. version.
  748. veteran.
  749. veto.
  750. vice.
  751. victim.
  752. video.
  753. virus.
  754. volume.
  755. volunteers.
  756. vulnerable.
  757. watchdog.
  758. website.
  759. withdrawal.
  760. zone.
  761. blame.
  762. claim.
  763. confirm.
  764. deny.
  765. declare.
  766. demand.
  767. discuss.
  768. elect.
  769. escape.
  770. flee.
  771. launch.
  772. oppose.
  773. protest.
  774. resign.
  775. rule.
  776. sanction.
  777. threaten.
  778. warn.
  779. exist.
  780. occur.
  781. prefer.
  782. remember.
  783. activist.
  784. ambassador.
  785. citizen.
  786. critic.
  787. delegate.
  788. expert.
  789. leader.
  790. official.
  791. politician.
  792. protester.
  793. refugee.
  794. scientist.
  795. spokesperson.
  796. witness.
  797. agreement.
  798. data.
  799. data breach.
  800. decision.
  801. fact.
  802. government.
  803. law.
  804. organization.
  805. report.
  806. statement.
  807. treaty.
  808. trial.
  809. critical.
  810. economic.
  811. ethical.
  812. illegal.
  813. important.
  814. national.
  815. political.
  816. strongest.
  817. worst.
  818. constantly.
  819. frequently.
  820. critically.
  821. extremely.
  822. generally.
  823. legally.
  824. officially.
  825. politely.
  826. potentially.
  827. primarily.
  828. simply.
  829. slightly.
  830. totally.
  831. unnecessarily.
  832. debt.
  833. recession.
  834. sustainable.
  835. disease.
  836. epidemic.
  837. medication.
  838. pandemic.
  839. treatment.
  840. crime.
  841. court.
  842. judge.
  843. justice.
  844. police.
  845. prison.
  846. punishment.
  847. discovery.
  848. experiment.
  849. app.
  850. device.
  851. accuse.
  852. apologize.
  853. boast.
  854. borrow.
  855. compete.
  856. convince.
  857. criticize.
  858. interrupt.
  859. persuade.
  860. predict.
  861. refuse.
  862. remind.
  863. repair.
  864. deserve.
  865. audience.
  866. colleague.
  867. customer.
  868. passenger.
  869. volunteer.
  870. advantage.
  871. difficulty.
  872. habit.
  873. opportunity.
  874. solution.
  875. awkward.
  876. ambitious.
  877. average.
  878. complicated.
  879. crowded.
  880. disappointed.
  881. frustrating.
  882. generous.
  883. humorous.
  884. logical.
  885. nervous.
  886. patient.
  887. polite.
  888. popular.
  889. practical.
  890. qualified.
  891. responsible.
  892. satisfied.
  893. surprised.
  894. talented.
  895. typical.
  896. typically.
  897. unexpectedly.
  898. absolutely.
  899. entirely.
  900. excessively.
  901. ironically.
  902. surprisingly.
  903. thoroughly.
  904. except.
  905. regarding.
  906. unlike.
  907. otherwise.
  908. accommodation.
  909. destination.
  910. souvenir.
  911. medicine.
  912. symptom.
  913. contradict.
  914. demonstrate.
  915. fabricate.
  916. illustrate.
  917. improvise.
  918. interfere.
  919. regulate.
  920. scrutinize.
  921. speculate.
  922. synthetic.
  923. befitting.
  924. conducive.
  925. contingent.
  926. perplexing.
  927. prone.
  928. susceptible.
  929. ambiguity.
  930. bureaucracy.
  931. discrepancy.
  932. endeavor.
  933. paradox.
  934. predicament.
  935. protocol.
  936. rationale.
  937. stigma.
  938. thesis.
  939. artifact.
  940. catalyst.
  941. contraption.
  942. gadget.
  943. landmark.
  944. masterpiece.
  945. prototype.
  946. spectacle.
  947. ambiguous.
  948. ambivalent.
  949. convoluted.
  950. formidable.
  951. intricate.
  952. meticulous.
  953. multifaceted.
  954. precarious.
  955. profound.
  956. resilient.
  957. rudimentary.
  958. scathing.
  959. subjective.
  960. tangent.
  961. unconventional.
  962. unorthodox.
  963. verbose.
  964. arguably.
  965. considerably.
  966. conversely.
  967. disproportionately.
  968. exceptionally.
  969. inherently.
  970. inversely.
  971. paradoxically.
  972. relatively.
  973. statistically.
  974. concurrently.
  975. counterintuitive.
  976. consecutively.
  977. henceforth.
  978. intermittently.
  979. momentarily.
  980. predictably.
  981. retrospectively.
  982. sporadically.
  983. subsequently.
  984. tentatively.
  985. conceivably.
  986. emphatically.
  987. exceedingly.
  988. hypothetically.
  989. marginally.
  990. nominally.
  991. ostensibly.
  992. proportionally.
  993. undoubtedly.
  994. notwithstanding.
  995. ethics.
  996. renew.
  997. robotics.
  998. vote.
  999. party.
  1000. power.
  1001. democracy.
  1002. negotiation.
  1003. world.
  1004. country.
  1005. international.
  1006. peace.
  1007. war.
  1008. problem.
  1009. people.
  1010. society.
  1011. group.
  1012. help.
  1013. rights.
  1014. election.
  1015. opposition.
  1016. legislation.
  1017. parliament.
  1018. diplomacy.
  1019. economy.
  1020. GDP.
  1021. resolution.
  1022. summit.
  1023. embargo.
  1024. uprising.
  1025. migration.
  1026. humanitarian.
  1027. vaccination.
  1028. inequality.
  1029. diversity.
  1030. activism.
  1031. reform.
  1032. breakthrough.
  1033. vaccine.
  1034. diagnosis.
  1035. healthcare.
  1036. scientific.
  1037. enrollment.
  1038. cinema.
  1039. festival.
  1040. exhibition.
  1041. celebrity.
  1042. policymaker.
  1043. fiscal.
  1044. monetary.
  1045. deregulation.
  1046. globalization.
  1047. groundbreaking.
  1048. tech-savvy.
  1049. scrutiny.
  1050. consensus.
  1051. cutting-edge.
  1052. statesmanship.
  1053. situation.
  1054. development.
  1055. figure.
  1056. duration.
  1057. schedule.
  1058. affect.
  1059. administration.
  1060. cybersecurity.
  1061. conservation.
  1062. sustainability.
  1063. renewable.
  1064. ecosystem.
  1065. wellness.
  1066. safety.
  1067. threat.
  1068. risk.
  1069. emergency.
  1070. defense.
  1071. terrorism.
  1072. violence.
  1073. essential.
  1074. noteworthy.
  1075. analyze.
  1076. recommend.
  1077. argument.
  1078. opinion.
  1079. perspective.
  1080. observation.
  1081. aspect.
  1082. substantial.
  1083. comprehensive.
  1084. diverse.
  1085. controversial.
  1086. furthermore.
  1087. meanwhile.
  1088. decrease.
  1089. rise.
  1090. fluctuate.
  1091. plateau.
  1092. plummet.
  1093. therefore.
  1094. automation.
  1095. well-being.
  1096. immunization.
  1097. malnutrition.
  1098. rehabilitation.
  1099. entrepreneur.
  1100. authoritarian.
  1101. dictator.
  1102. sovereignty.
  1103. dictatorship.
  1104. constituency.
  1105. propaganda.
  1106. censorship.
  1107. counterterrorism.
  1108. espionage.
  1109. surveillance.
  1110. peacekeeping.
  1111. additionally.
  1112. synthesize.
  1113. advocate.
  1114. articulate.
  1115. postulate.
  1116. evaluation.
  1117. synthesis.
  1118. rational.
  1119. justification.
  1120. formulation.
  1121. advocacy.
  1122. elaboration.
  1123. postulation.
  1124. in-depth.
  1125. proficient.
  1126. informed.
  1127. discerning.
  1128. persuasive.
  1129. coherent.
  1130. invariably.
  1131. albeit.
  1132. evidently.
  1133. escalate.
  1134. attenuate.
  1135. mitigate.
  1136. culminate.
  1137. augment.
  1138. dwindle.
  1139. subside.
  1140. socioeconomic.
  1141. marginalization.
  1142. stigmatization.
  1143. alienation.
  1144. disparity.
  1145. inequity.
  1146. socio-political.
  1147. monopoly.
  1148. welfare.
  1149. climate change.
  1150. social media.
  1151. instead of.
  1152. owing to.
  1153. thanks to.
  1154. even though.
  1155. in case.
  1156. on condition that.
  1157. provided that.
  1158. so that.
  1159. incumbent upon.
  1160. vantage point.
  1161. as opposed to.
  1162. concurrent with.
  1163. contingent upon.
  1164. devoid of.
  1165. tantamount to.
  1166. granted that.
  1167. insofar as.
  1168. so long as.
  1169. supposing that.
  1170. whether or not.
  1171. negotiation tactics.
  1172. artificial intelligence.
  1173. genetic engineering.
  1174. stock market.
  1175. economic downturn.
  1176. economic reform.
  1177. economic stimulus.
  1178. market dynamics.
  1179. unfolding events.
  1180. evolving situation.
  1181. humanitarian crisis.
  1182. global perspective.
  1183. social norms.
  1184. cutting-edge technology.
  1185. tech innovation.
  1186. tech sector.
  1187. medical breakthrough.
  1188. healthcare reform.
  1189. scientific community.
  1190. health policy.
  1191. cultural diversity.
  1192. take place.
  1193. in addition.
  1194. in the meantime.
  1195. prior to.
  1196. In retrospect.
  1197. as a result.
  1198. due to.
  1199. because of.
  1200. carbon footprint.
  1201. mental health.
  1202. healthcare system.
  1203. market economy.
  1204. supply and demand.
  1205. fiscal policy.
  1206. monetary policy.
  1207. gdp (gross domestic product).
  1208. international relations.
  1209. civil liberties.
  1210. digital media.
  1211. media bias.
  1212. public relations.
  1213. mass communication.
  1214. national security.
  1215. cyber threats.
  1216. border control.
  1217. arms control.
  1218. intelligence agencies.
  1219. nuclear proliferation.
  1220. inasmuch as.
  1221. over time.
  1222. at some point.
  1223. in the long run.
  1224. in due course.
  1225. owing to the fact that.
  1226. as a consequence of.
  1227. stemming from.
  1228. deriving from.
  1229. arising from.
  1230. as an outcome of.
  1231. resultant from.
  1232. due to the fact that.
  1233. brought about by.
  1234. manifested by.
  1235. preventive medicine.
  1236. trade deficit.
  1237. economic sanctions