Dr Ray
Summer 2022,
Professional English
Course 101, Student Exercise, Chapter 3

Exercise Quiz, Chapter 3
Article: Raining Money

Choose the best meaning by selecting True

RACHEL: Wow, this is so cool, you guys. The entire city is blacked out!


1 The whole city has been painted black.

2 The whole city is without power and lights.

ROSS (talking to Rachel): Probably. But you know, I'll tell you something. Passion is way overrated.

…. It is. Eventually, it kind of... burns out. But hopefully, what you're left with is trust and security….


1 Passion is not that important for a relationship, it soon ends. After it ends, you have trust and security.

2 Passion is the best. Trust and security are not important.

JOEY: Because you waited too long to make your move, and now you're in the friend zone.


1 You waited too long to ask her on a date, so she sees you only as a friend.

2 You sat all day, she thinks you’re lazy.

ROSS: I'm taking my time, alright? I'm laying the groundwork. …


1 I will ask her out right away.

2 I’m not in a hurry, I have a plan...

ROSS [about the cat]: Why don't we just put 'poor little Tooty' out in the hall?

RACH: During a blackout? He'd get trampled!


1 He’ll get lost again.

2 People will step on him.

CHAN: Good save! We're back on track, …


1 Things are good again.

2 Things are getting worse.


RACH: Y'know, I know it's totally superficial and we have absolutely nothing in common, and we don't even speak the same language but God...…

Superficial means:

1 Shallow thinking and feelings. Focusing on looks, not personality.

2 Deep thinking and feelings. Focusing on personality, not looks.

RACH: Y'know, I know it's totally superficial and we have absolutely nothing in common, and we don't even speak the same language but God...…

"have nothing in common" means:

1 We like all the same things, know the same people, like the same places ...

2 We don't like the same things, nor know the same people, nor go to the same places ...

JOEY: Hey Ross. This probably isn't the best time to bring it up, but you have to throw a party for Monica.

This probably isn’t the best time to bring it up means:

1 This time is the perfect time to tell you something...

2 I know things are bad for you now, but I have more bad news...

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