Dr Ray
Tourism and Hospitality
Professional English
Final Exam Practice Test
As in the examples below, always place the correct answer first (zz.ans) followed by the incorrects (zz.not). The app will randomly shuffle the choices. You may have as many incorrect choices as you like.
zz.qu The place where you get on the plane zz.ans gate zz.not gait zz.not goat zz.not in-gate zz.end
zz.qu The building where you will find your gate zz.ans terminal zz.not termite zz.not terminate zz.not terrabyte zz.end
zz.qu The ticket necessary to get on a plane zz.ans boarding pass zz.not pass the board zz.not boarding past zz.not past the board zz.end
zz.qu The place to put your carry-on and other personal items zz.ans overhead compartment zz.not overhang compartment zz.not compartment overhead zz.not compartment overhang zz.end
zz.qu To take something and never give it back zz.ans confiscate zz.not steal zz.not confident zz.not steel zz.end
zz.qu To put your bag into the cargo hold of the plane as you are boarding zz.ans gate check zz.not gate luggage zz.not check gate zz.not luggage gate zz.end
zz.qu No matter how light or heavy, the size is big and awkward. Cumbersome. Difficult to manage. zz.ans bulky zz.not bilky zz.not bully zz.not billy zz.end
zz.qu When people come to you for business, you are asking them to give you their_____ money zz.ans hard-earned zz.not earned-hard zz.not pocket cash zz.not cash pocket zz.end
zz.qu Think from their point of view, not yours. zz.ans Empathize zz.not Listen zz.not Apologize zz.not Fix zz.not F/U zz.end
zz.qu Saying sorry goes a long way. zz.ans Apologize zz.not Empathize zz.not Listen zz.not Fix zz.not F/U zz.end
zz.qu Make sure the issue gets resolved. zz.ans Fix zz.not Empathize zz.not Listen zz.not Apologize zz.not F/U zz.end
zz.qu If it’s truly your mistake, own it. zz.ans Apologize zz.not Empathize zz.not Listen zz.not Fix zz.not F/U zz.end
zz.qu If you can’t resolve the issue, give them some other benefit. zz.ans Fix zz.not Empathize zz.not Listen zz.not Apologize zz.not F/U zz.end
zz.qu If you want to avoid negative online reviews or to get good reviews, you should ____, zz.ans F/U zz.not Empathize zz.not Listen zz.not Apologize zz.not Fix zz.end
zz.qu What was the customer’s concern? zz.ans steak was medium-rare, not medium-well zz.not steak was cold not hot zz.not steak was medium well, not medium-rare zz.not stead was well-done, not medium-well. zz.end
zz.qu What was the customer’s second issue? zz.ans french fries were cold not hot zz.not french fries were dry, not moist zz.not french fries were soggy, not crisp. zz.not french fries didn’t come with the order zz.end
zz.qu What extra step did the server take to ensure the customer would return in the future? zz.ans gave a discount coupon zz.not gave the customer a compliment zz.not gave him a free steak to take home zz.end
zz.qu The server said: I’m truly sorry for the ____ caused. zz.ans inconvenience zz.not trouble zz.not incorrigible zz.not mishap zz.end
zz.qu Why doesn’t the customer just remove the onions from the cheeseburger? zz.ans the onions are melted to the cheeseburger zz.not he is allergic to the onions zz.not he thinks that’s not his job zz.end
zz.qu The waitstaff said: I’m not sure how that happened, that’s not our _____ . zz.ans standard of service zz.not usual service zz.not way of doing things zz.not standard policy zz.end
zz.qu Did the man eat his meal at the restaurant? zz.ans No, he didn’t. He was running late for a meeting. zz.not Yes, he did. But he had to hurry. zz.not Yes, he did. But had to finish in two minutes. zz.not No, he didn’t. He was angry and left suddenly. zz.end
zz.qu How did the waitstaff handle the man’s need to leave abruptly. zz.ans She quickly prepared his burger for carry-out. zz.not She gave the burger to another patron. zz.not She took the burger home with her. zz.not She wasn’t friendly or helpful. zz.end
zz.qu How did the waitstaff ensure the customer would return in the future. zz.ans She gave him two coupons so he could return with a friend. zz.not She gave him a no-expiration coupon so he would return. zz.not She gave him two coupons with expiration dates. zz.not She was friendly and smiled a lot. zz.end
zz.qu Can you please provide me with your baggage ____. zz.ans claim tag zz.not claimant bag zz.not tag of bag zz.not bag tag zz.end
zz.qu Let me check our _____ for your luggage. zz.ans system zz.not systemic zz.not computer zz.not database zz.end
zz.qu Please know that we understand how _____ this can be, and we'll make every ____ to locate it and get it to you. zz.ans distressing | effort zz.not stressful | attempt zz.not attempt | stressful zz.not effort | distressing zz.end
zz.qu We have a _____ team working on _____ your luggage zz.ans dedicated | locating zz.not decidedly | locating zz.not locating | decidedly zz.not locating | dedicated zz.end
zz.qu We will need you to fill out a lost luggage report with your _____ zz.ans contact information zz.not personal information zz.not contact informant zz.not personal informant zz.end
zz.qu I _____ a room with a good view when I made the reservation. zz.ans specifically requested zz.not specially requested zz.not made a special request zz.not specifically asked for zz.end
zz.qu We'll work _____ to _____ this situation. zz.ans diligently | resolve zz.not to resolve | diligently zz.not hard | fix zz.not our best | make right zz.end
zz.qu All rooms with better views are currently _____. zz.ans occupied zz.not full zz.not octogonal zz.not filled up zz.end
zz.qu How about we ____ you to our ____. zz.ans upgrade | deluxe suite zz.not upgrade | standard room zz.not upgrade | executive suite zz.not upgrade | deluxe room zz.end
zz.qu ...plus you get all the usual _____ of our deluxe suites. zz.ans amenities zz.not niceties zz.not benefits zz.not extras zz.end
zz.qu If you have any other _____ during your stay, please don't _____ to let us know. zz.ans concerns | hesitate zz.not trouble | hesitate zz.not issues | hesitate zz.not problems | hesitate zz.end
zz.qu I have a _____ I'd like to bring to your _____. zz.ans concern | attention zz.not problem | attention zz.not issue | attention zz.not situation | attention zz.end
zz.qu Their behavior is ____. zz.ans disturbing the peace zz.not interrupting the quiet zz.not making me uncomfortable zz.not stressing me out zz.end
zz.qu I'll ____ immediately. zz.ans handle the situation zz.not take care of the problem zz.not solve the issue zz.not resolve the situation zz.end
zz.qu This specific area is _____ as _____ property. zz.ans designated | private zz.not designed | public zz.not designated | public zz.not designed | private zz.end
zz.qu We're not _____. You can't make us leave. zz.ans causing any harm zz.not making any trouble zz.not disturbing the peace zz.not causing any trouble zz.end
zz.qu If you choose not to ____, I'll have to call the ____. zz.ans comply | authorities zz.not do it | police zz.not comply | police zz.not obey | authorities zz.end
zz.qu These young folks are ____ to leave the resort's private beach area ____ being asked to do so. zz.ans refusing | despite zz.not refusing | in spite of zz.not refusing | after zz.end
zz.qu Thank you for ____. zz.ans taking care of the matter zz.not fixing the problem zz.not resolving the issue zz.not taking care of the problem zz.end
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The following questions are based on vocabulary from "Trouble at the Airport".
1. The place where you get on the plane
2. The building where you will find your gate
3. The ticket necessary to get on a plane
4. The place to put your carry-on and other personal items
5. To take something and never give it back
6. To put your bag into the cargo hold of the plane as you are boarding
7. No matter how light or heavy, the size is big and awkward. Cumbersome. Difficult to manage.
For the next several questions, in which category of the LEAF method does the statement apply?
8. When people come to you for business, you are asking them to give you their_____ money
9. The acronym LEAF stands for:
10. F/U is:
11. Most people just want to be heard.
12. Put yourself in their shoes.
13. Don’t interrupt.
14. Think from their point of view, not yours.
15. Saying sorry goes a long way.
16. Make sure the issue gets resolved.
17. If it’s truly your mistake, own it.
18. If you can’t resolve the issue, give them some other benefit.
19. If you want to avoid negative online reviews or to get good reviews, you should ____,
The following several questions are from “Bad Steak”. Give the best answer according to the dialogue.
20. What was the customer’s concern?
21. What was the customer’s second issue?
22. What extra step did the server take to ensure the customer would return in the future?
23. The server said: I’m truly sorry for the ____ caused.
The following several questions are from “I said No Onions”. Give the best answer according to the dialogue.
24. Why doesn’t the customer just remove the onions from the cheeseburger?
25. The waitstaff said: I’m not sure how that happened, that’s not our _____ .
26. Did the man eat his meal at the restaurant?
27. How did the waitstaff handle the man’s need to leave abruptly.
28. How did the waitstaff ensure the customer would return in the future.
The following several questions are from “Lost Luggage”. Give the best answer according to the dialogue.
29. Can you please provide me with your baggage ____.
30. Let me check our _____ for your luggage.
31. Please know that we understand how _____ this can be, and we'll make every ____ to locate it and get it to you.
32. We have a _____ team working on _____ your luggage
33. We will need you to fill out a lost luggage report with your _____
The following several questions are from “Room with a View”. Give the best answer according to the dialogue.
34. I _____ a room with a good view when I made the reservation.
35. We'll work _____ to _____ this situation.
36. All rooms with better views are currently _____.
37. How about we ____ you to our ____.
38. ...plus you get all the usual _____ of our deluxe suites.
39. If you have any other _____ during your stay, please don't _____ to let us know.
The following several questions are from “Party at the Beach”. Give the best answer according to the dialogue.
40. I have a _____ I'd like to bring to your _____.
41. Their behavior is ____.
42. I'll ____ immediately.
43. This specific area is _____ as _____ property.
44. We're not _____. You can't make us leave.
45. If you choose not to ____, I'll have to call the ____.
46. These young folks are ____ to leave the resort's private beach area ____ being asked to do so.