Dr Ray
Summer 2022,
Professional English
Course 101, Student Exercise, Chapter 3

Exercise Quiz, Chapter 3
Article: Raining Money
Basic Instructions

Type/Paste in the text area below that reads "Replace the content in this area ..." Then underline the words/answers you want to blank-out. (see the example)

There are two approaches:

You can copy and paste from any document editor or html wysiwyg editor. Make underlines or other style changes in your editor, then copy and paste into the text area. It's been tested with LibreOffice Writer in both document and web mode, and in the Blogger editor compose mode (for Google Blogger pages).


You can use the built-in simple style editor.
Highlight the text you wish to style and then click a style button (e.g. bold, underline, xxl etc.)
Use ctl + z for undo and ctl + y for redo. However, once you click the style editor, you can only undo back to that point and not before. The solution is to just copy and cut, then repaste with ctl + shift + v (paste unformatted). Everything returns to plain text and you retype as desired.
Note:When you copy the text be sure to highllight BEYOND both ends of where you want to correct.
For example:
If you want to change the underlined text in: Red Bull is a popular energy drink.
You would highlight like this: Red Bull is a popular energy drink.
Then cut and repaste as unformatted text on the spot: Red Bull is a popular energy drink.
Now you can highlight and restyle as you like. Red Bull is a popular energy drink.

This is a sample sentence.
This is another sample sentence.

a. another
b. sample

This is a ____ sample sentence.
This is ____ sentence.

Replace the content in this area with your own (example below).

Big tech firms saw their sales jump in the pandemic as locked-down consumers and workers came to rely more on their technology. fortunes bleaker climate.


... end.