Criminal calls 9-1-1

  1. Marsha was at home relaxing when she heard a loud crash in her kitchen.
  2. Fearing someone was breaking-in, she rushed for the front door.
  3. She didn't make it. A man grabbed her and threatened her with a knife.
  4. He wanted all her jewelry and valuables.
  5. Marsha led the man upstairs to her jewelry box.
  6. When the man reached for the box, Marsha opened a drawer and pulled-out a gun.
  7. She told the man to get on the floor.
  8. The man didn't do it, so Marsha shot the wall.
  9. The man ran into her bathroom, jumped in the tub, and called 9-1-1.
  10. She held the man at gun-point until the police arrived.