Jealouse donkey

  1. The hard-working donkey wanted to be like the farmer’s favorite dog.
  2. He was jealous of the poodle’s easy life.
  3. So he broke out of the stable and ran into the house.
  4. He started dancing and jumping around like a dog.
  5. He jumped on the farmer’s lap and broke the chair and nearly hurt the farmer.
  6. The field workers came to the farmer’s rescue.
  7. They beat the donkey with clubs and chased him away to the stable.
  8. In the end, the donkey wished that he hadn't acted like a poodle.
  9. He decided that he should be content with his own way of life.
  10. The frog carried the scorpion across the water.
  11. The scorpion stung the frog.
  12. The frog said, why did you do that, now we'll both drown.
  13. The scorpion said, "I'm a scorpion, that's what I do."