Unit 06
Woman saves choking bear
[based on actual events]
Getting Started

Natasha Jones likes to feed the deer, squirrels, and birds in her backyard. Nat is a nature lover and lives in the countryside in America. Unfortunately, such generous giving also invites dangerous and unwanted guests—bears. While bears have a ferocious reputation, they would rather scrounge through garbage cans than eat humans. If you don't fasten down your garbage cans at nights, with chains, you are quite likely to find your trash turned over in the morning.

Nevertheless, bears are still extremely dangerous. While they may prefer your garbage to yourself, they can still kill you if you get too close—Nat had such a close encounter.

Nat was awakened one morning about 5:30 a.m. when she heard a strange and loud moaning sound. When she looked out her window, she saw that a bear was in distress. Though Animal Control always warns people not to approach wild bears, Nat decided to get closer and take a look. On closer inspection, she saw that the bear was unresponsive, that is, the bear was just lying there motionless. However, it had stopped moaning and was now making small gasping sounds while attempting to get air.

Nat made a guess that the bear must be choking and ran back into her house and put on a pair of leather gloves and went back to the bear. By this time, the bear had passed out completely and was unconscious. Nat managed to get her hand down the bear's throat. She felt an object and grabbed it and yanked it out. She could see that it was an old cow bone that she had bought for her dog Sam.

After dislodging the bone, Nat went back and got some water for the bear. The bear slowly recovered.

While Nat was tending to the bear, her daughter called Animal Control. As the bear was slowly recovering, Animal Control finally arrived. They warned Nat and her daughter to get back into the house before the bear fully recovered.

Animal Control said that bears are one of the most dangerous animals to humans when in a stressful situation. They explained that if the bear had awoken it could have easily bitten off Nat's hand. Bears jaws are very powerful. and their arms are so strong that they can kill a human with a single blow.

Nat said that she understood the danger but that despite the danger she just couldn't stand by and do nothing.

Eventually, the bear fully recovered and wandered over to a tree and looked up; two bear cubs came down from the tree to join their mom. They all wandered back into the woods.

On this day, the bear was lucky to be alive—and so was Nat.

Comprehension Questions
  1. What unwanted guest invited itself into Nat's backyard?
  2. Why did the bear come into the backyard?
  3. What sound awoke Nat early in the morning?
  4. On closer inspection, what did Nat see?
  5. How did she help the bear?  What had been lodged in his throat?
  6. What did Animal Control warn Nat and her daughter to do when they arrived?
  7. According to Animal Control, when are bears most dangerous?
  8. How strong is a bear?
  9. What did Nat say about the danger of trying to save the bear?
  10. After the bear fully recovered, what happened?
  1. What would you do if you were camping and a bear walked into your camp?
  2. If you accidentally walked upon a pair of cubs while hiking, and the mother bear saw you near her cubs, what do you think the bear would do? What would you do?
  3. When you are out camping, as a safety precaution, what should you do with all your food?