Ghost at the door

  1. Harry likes to read ghost stories, especially on rainy nights.
  2. He was reading a story about a man who kept hearing someone knocking on his door.
  3. When the man in the story opened the door, nobody was there.
  4. As he was reading, someone knocked on Harry's door.
  5. It scared harry half to death.
  6. It was midnight, too late for a friend to be stopping by.
  7. Harry thought it might be a real ghost, just like in the story.
  8. Harry yanked open the door and yelled, trying to scare the ghost.
  9. It was a pizza man, delivering a pizza to the wrong door.
  10. The pizza man dropped all his pizzas on the floor and ran away.
  11. Harry had free pizza and a good ghost story on this rainy night.