Russian Meteor Explosion

  1. A meteor struck the atmosphere and exploded over a town in Russia.
  2. The light from the blast was 30 times brighter than the sun, causing skin burns similar to sunburn.
  3. The shock wave was so strong that many pedestrians were thrown to the ground.
  4. If the meteor was just a little larger, it would have flattened the town.
  5. NASA believes the danger and  likelihood of larger objects striking the earth is real.
  6. Such an event would cause complete destruction of cities or even complete devastation to the whole planet.
  7. NASA, therefore, has instituted a program to find and track all objects that could be a threat to earth.
  8. To date, NASA has discovered 90% of objects that are larger than 1 kilometer.
  9. NASA also has a plan for redirecting objects that are heading towards earth.