The first Christmas story

  1. Christianity has been a major influence in shaping the culture of the USA.
  2. This influence can be experienced most during the Christmas season.
  3. In short, Jesus Christ was a god who was born into a physical human body.
  4. He taught people to love and be kind to each other, and to easily forgive others.
  5. He did miracles like healing the sick and the blind with his touch.
  6. Through him and his teachings, all men can find their way to Heaven and also gain an immortal physical body.
  7. We have angel decorations at Christmas time because an angel visited his mother, Mary.
  8. A large chorus of angels also visited some shepherds in their fields.
  9. At the time of Christ's birth, a bright new star appeared in the sky, so we put a star on top of the Christmas tree.
  10. Three wise men came and gave Jesus expensive gifts, so this is where the Christmas tradition of gift-giving comes from.