
  1. Cleopatra was Queen of Egypt and one of the most powerful women who ever lived.
  2. She was intelligent and could speak nine languages fluently.
  3. She was very young when she first came to power.
  4. She had a child by Julius Caesar, the most powerful man in the world.
  5. She met Caesar by having herself rolled up in a carpet and carried into his room.
  6. One reason Caesar was assassinated was his open affair with Cleopatra.
  7. Then Cleopatra married Marc Antony, also a powerful ruler. They had three children.
  8. The Roman army defeated Marc Antony, so he committed suicide.
  9. Cleopatra was captured by the new Caesar, Octavian.
  10. When she heard about Marc's death, she committed suicide by snake bite. She was thirty-nine.