Unit 09
Kite surfer fights off sharks with knife
[based on actual events]
Getting Started

Kite surfer Johann Schmidt recently found himself in a battle against sharks in the Red Sea during a kite surfing excursion.

Schmidt had planned to sail 124 miles across the Red Sea when the wind suddenly stopped. At about two-thirds the way into his trip, his kite was deflated and he was faced with having to brave out the situation until help arrived.

Reportedly, the 42-year-old Schmidt waited 40 hours for help to arrive. He survived the ordeal by nourishing himself with two energy bars, some water, and energy drinks. But nourishment was the least of his problems as he spent a good amount of his time fighting off sharks.

In an interview with News Agency One, Schmidt described the challenges he was faced with while waiting for the National Coast Guard to arrive.

I was surfing along when the wind just completely stopped. After waiting for an hour-and-a-half, no winds came back, but waves had built up and night was arriving, so I called SOS on my hand-held radio, then called again three hours later, but there was no response.” He also shot flares out toward passing fisherman, but was not noticed .

Schmidt says the first night stuck on the sea was "peaceful" and he'd made a raft with his board and drifted about. The second night, however, was not peaceful as winds pushed him into a reef where sharks were in the vicinity.

"They were about 8 to 15 feet long. They attacked me through my kite, which must’ve also attracted them because of its color," Schmidt said. "I stabbed them in the eyes, nose and gills. The fight, which I’ve miraculously survived, took the whole night. By the morning, they were gone. There were eleven of them."

He gives credit to his brother Tim who'd made him take the knife on the trip. “Maybe he had a premonition,” noted Schmidt.

Eventually, he was rescued by a military boat and was brought to a hospital. He is doing well and suffers no injuries, but did experience exhaustion and dehydration, reported NBC Miami.

This isn't Schmidt's first attempt at a long voyage across an ocean. He once crossed the Baltic Sea on his kiteboard. “I'm always prepared with energy bars and drinks, but from now on, I will always carry a knife.”

Comprehension Questions
  1. How did Schmidt get stuck in the sea?
  2. How long did he have to wait before helped arrived?
  3. How did he survive the ordeal?
  4. What happened to the wind about two-thirds the way into the trip?
  5. What happened when he called SOS?
  6. Why did he shoot the flares?
  7. Describe his encounter with the sharks?
  8. How was he rescued and where was he taken
  9. What condition was he in when he arrived at the hospital?
  1. What is the most dangerous or difficult situation you have survived? (ex. car breakdown, bike accident, lost as a child... etc...)
  2. Sharks eat people, have you ever, or would you ever, eat shark?
  3. What important items should you take on a mountain hike, or a three day trip across the desert? Think about not only what you would need, but how you would carry them and other things you might face.