Sleepwalker and Gators

  1. Sleepwalking occurs when someone gets up from bed and walks around even though they are still asleep.
  2. Sometimes, sleepwalkers do dangerous things such as attempting to cook a meal.
  3. Joe had a sleepwalking incident that was both dangerous and funny.
  4. It was not funny at the time, but looking back, Joe is amused.
  5. One time when Joe was sleepwalking, he grabbed his cane and walked out of his house.
  6. Still sleeping, he fell into a small lake in his neighborhood.
  7. When he awoke, he noticed he was surrounded by gators.
  8. He fought the gators off with his cane, and screamed for help.
  9. A neighbor heard him and called the police.
  10. When the police arrived, they shined bright lights at the gators and scared them away.