Dr Ray
Oral Practice, Juniors

Exercise Quiz: Sleepwalking

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Sleepwalking is a sleep 1 in which people walk or 2 other 3 behaviors while they are asleep. It is most common in 4 , but it can also occur in 5 .
The 1 of sleepwalking 2 from country to country, but it is estimated that about 10% of children and 2% of adults experience it at some point in their lives.
In the United States, the prevalence of sleepwalking is 3 to be between 2% and 6% in children and 1% to 4% in adults. The prevalence of sleepwalking is higher in 4 than in 5 .
Sleepwalking is more 1 in people who have a family 2 of the 3 . It is also more common in people who are sleep 4 , stressed, or taking certain 5 .
Sleepwalking is usually not harmful, but it can sometimes lead to 1 . People who sleepwalk may fall down 2 , trip over 3 , or injure themselves on sharp objects. In rare cases, sleepwalking can lead to more 4 injuries, such as car 5 or 6 .
There is no 1 for sleepwalking, but there are 2 that can help to 3 the 4 and 5 of 6 .

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