Ring of Invisibilty, pt. 2

  1. A long time ago, a man named Marley had a magic invisibility ring.
  2. He would sneak around and listen to people's conversations.
  3. He could sneak off with free beer and free food.
  4. He would tap people on the shoulder to confuse or scare them.
  5. People began talk of a town ghost.
  6. Marley took off the ring once when in front of a mirror.
  7. He realized that the ring had made him much older. So he decided to get rid of the ring.
  8. But first, he was going to rob a bank, so he would have enough money to live on.
  9. When people saw a money bag floating out of the bank, they started chasing after the bag.
  10. It was a long chase, but Marley managed to escape with the money.
  11. However, when Marley took off his ring, he was 70 years old.