Tigers of Obsession

  1. The Kroger Zoo was looking for ways to attract their giant cats to the location of their cameras.
  2. They experimented with a variety of perfumes and colognes.
  3. After testing 25 fragrances, they found CK Obsession for men was the best.
  4. While many scents held the animals for only seconds or a few minutes, Obsession held them for at least 11 minutes.
  5. Now, wildlife specialists use the fragrance to attract Jaguars in the jungle.
  6. They spray it on tree trunks and the ground, and the cats will rub up against the tree and roll all over the ground.
  7. This setup is called a camera trap.
  8. They bait the area with the scent in order to lure the animals to the cameras.
  9. The scent was also used to try and catch a wild man-eating tiger in India.