Joseph, pt. 2

  1. When Joseph’s father heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent Joseph’s brothers there to buy some corn.
  2. The brother's came to Joseph, asking for corn, but they didn't recognize him.
  3. Joseph remembered that they sold him as a slave and wondered whether or not they were sorry.
  4. Joseph let them leave with the corn, but he slipped a silver cup inside the youngest brother's bag.
  5. When outside the city, the soldiers arrested the youngest brother, and Joseph kept him as a servant.
  6. The older brothers begged Joseph to let them take the youngest son's place.
  7. They said that their old father would die from heartbreak if the youngest couldn't return to him
  8. Joseph was touched by their willingness to sacrifice themselves for their brother.
  9. Joseph knew that they were truly sorry, so he revealed himself to them as their brother.
  10. The whole family joined Joseph in Egypt and they lived a very good life.