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Dr Ray
Summer 2022,
Professional English
Course 101, Student Exercise, Chapter 3

Exercise Quiz, Chapter 3
Article: Raining Money

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Buses, cars, and trucks are each  a type of _________.


To ______ means to respond quickly to something without thinking about it.


An _____ truck is a vehicle that is bulletproof.


When you drive in the countryside, a lot of bugs will get smashed on the ______.


It's cold outside, let's not forget to take our ______.


_____ and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.


Oh no!  I dropped my marbles and now they are _____ all over the place.


If you don't ____ the gate, the dogs will get out of the pen.


There are several _____ I can take to get to school. They all take about the same time.


If you don't put the parts back in the right place, the engine will not work _____.


I took my car to the auto shop for _____.


He was fired from his job because of the customer _____. He shouldn't yell at the customers.


If you shoot a gun at the truck, it won't cause serious damage. The truck is _____.


Mark ____ his drink all over Mary's dress. She was furious!


Sam pulled a funny ____ on Judy. He set the door so it would make a loud bang when when she walked in.


Having ____ is when you do the right thing even if nobody knows you did. As well, choosing not to do the wrong thing even if you're certain you will never get caught.


He didn't put the mop away when he finished, so it was by his own _____ that he tripped over the mop and fell down the stairs.


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