Dr Ray
Simply Speaking

Arson Bank Heist, vocabulary quiz
Choose the vocabulary word that has the most similar meaning to the bold word.
All of the words have similar meaning, but you must select the word that was used in the article.

1. I think my dog ate my sandwich since I can't find it anywhere. 


2. Mark was apprehended by the police and taken into custody. 


3. There were no observers of the crime. Nobody saw anything. 


4. Susan said at court that she saw the man take the woman's purse and run. 


5. There was proof of the suspect's blood at the scene of the crime. 


6. The astronomers researched the reason that stars explode. 


7. The police officers questioned the suspect for many hours. He finally confessed. 


8. Terry was at home alone, so he had no excuse to prove he didn't do it. 


9. Martha was found guilty of stealing money from the company.


10. Alex was condemned to five years in prison for stealing the money.

Correct answers will  highlight  in green

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