Dr Ray
Simply Speaking

Cuffed Couple, MCQ FIB
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. As ____ would have it, however, the couple broke up immediately after taking off the handcuffs. 


2. Marissa Teller made a very ____ decision a few months ago.


3. They decided to ____ themselves together for 90 days


4. Managing their personal hygiene was also ____.


5. They had to ____ their shirts so they could get them over their handcuffed arms.


6. If we can’t fix this by being ____ together for ninety days, then our relationship was unfixable. 


7. I was literally ____ by our relationship


8. Marissa thought that being stuck together would force them to appreciate each other’s ____ point.


9. When we both ____ things would be fine again for another week or two. 


10. We would have these ____ arguments.

Correct answers will  highlight  in green

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