Dr Ray
Simply Speaking

Dial PIZZA, Vocabulary Quiz
Choose the vocabulary word that has the most similar meaning to the bold  word.
All of the words have similar meaning, but you must select the word that was used in the article.

1. That unique model is not currently in stock.


2. We don't have time to stay and visit after the party.


3. We watched a movie and called out for fried chicken.


4. After calling for the item that we need, we sent the money to them by an online account.


5. The woman was holding her hand-bag.


6. The company fired many of its employees.


7. John is an emergency responder because he loves helping people at the worst times of their life.


8. The hospital wanted to save money by laying off its employees.


9. Joe wasn't even expected to work on that Saturday.


10. Another hospital asked him to come work for them.

Correct answers will  highlight  in green

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