Dr Ray
Simply Speaking

Hero Rescues Baby
Choose the vocabulary word that has the most similar meaning to the bold word.
All of the words have similar meaning, but you must select the word that was used in the article.

1. Tom Cruise just took on the  part  of Maverick in the movie "Top Gun." 

2. John is not a proud man. In fact, he is very simple man.

3. Mark was overwhelmed by the large amount of work his boss gave him.

4. The weatherman forecast rain for this afternoon. 

5. As a safety measure, John boarded up his house to protect it from flying debris. 

6. After the storm, there was a lot of wreckage strewn all over the place. 

7. The outcome of the earthquake left buildings toppled. 

8. The was a lot of destruction after the earthquake struck. 

9. Finding his way through the rubble, that man was slowed down by the smoke in his eyes.

10. Twelve people died in the flood.

Correct answers will  highlight  in green

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