Dr Ray
Simply Speaking

Zombie Apocalypse, vocabulary quiz
Choose the vocabulary word that has the most similar meaning to the bold word.
All of the words have similar meaning, but you must select the word that was used in the article.

1. Many people worry that an asteroid will strike the earth and cause world-wide destruction.


2. There was a world-wide spreading of Covid-19 beginning in 2020.


3. Successful research requires applying the right kind of methods.


4. To do proper reasearch one must consider many elements that contribute to the problem. 


5. When water is frozen, it is in a solid condition.


6. The large size of the universe is a difficult thought to understand.


7. Red color usually represents danger. 


8. Covid-19 is a widespread diesease.


9. The wolves completely destroyed the deer's body.


10. It is not a crazy idea that people may someday live on the moon.

Correct answers will  highlight  in green

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