Dr Ray
Simply Speaking

Ella and Alli
Quiz 1

Type the missing word in these sentences from the article.

Princess Ella of Merridale has magical powers that allow her to ____ ice and snow.


She and her younger sister, Alli, often play winter games together---even in the summertime.
One day at play time, Ella accidentally ____ Alli by striking Alli's head with her magic.


The King and Queen rush Alli to Merlin the ____. Merlin heals Alli.


Merlin then explains that Ella's powers are ____ on her emotions.


He warns Ella that her powers are very strong and that  she must learn to control her powers or she might one day hurt Alli ____, or even kill her.


The King and Queen separate the sisters in order to protect Alli from Ella’s ____ powers.


Ella pretty much keeps herself locked in her room. Over the years, the sisters become ____.


Unfortunately, their parents died when the sisters were young adults, leaving Ella next in ____ for the crown.


When Ella becomes 21, she has a birthday celebration and is to be ____ Queen of Merridale.


Among the visitors arriving at the ____ is the handsome Prince Floki.


Alli accidentally ____ into Floki, and they fall in love at first sight.


During the coronation festivities, Floki  ____ to Alli and she accepts.


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