Dr Ray
Simply Speaking

Ella and Alli
Quiz 2
How to play
For the exercises below, select the item you wish to move (it will turn to gray), then select another item to swap places.

Another option is to simply move an item up or down one line at a time until it's in the right place.

According to the article, put the sentences of this paragraph in the correct order.
When Alli and Floki ask for Ella’s blessing, Ella objects.
She warns Alli that getting engaged so quickly is not a smart move.
Alli thinks Ella knows nothing about life because she keeps herself locked away from everyone.
The two begin to argue and Ella loses control of her emotions.
Ella’s magic is exposed to everyone when everything around her starts turning into ice.Answer

According to the article, put the words or phrases of the following sentences in the correct order.
Ella doesn’t want to frighten the people so she runs away to the North Mountain.Answer

There, she finally accepts who she is and embraces her powers.Answer

She builds herself an ice palace to live in.Answer

According to the article, put the following sentences in the correct order.
Alli goes out to find Ella so they can both find a way to put a stop to this eternal winter.
She reaches Ella’s palace and  tells her that Merridale is in a state of eternal winter.
Ella, however, doesn‘t know how to undo her magic.
The two argue and Ella loses control again and accidentally strikes Alli too close to her heart with her powers.
Alli know she’s in danger of dying, so she rushes off to find Merlin.
After Alli leaves, Floki shows up at the ice castle with his bodygaurds.
Unbeknownst to Alli, Floki captures Ella and imprisons her back in Merridale. Answer

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